All the demonstrations from the exercises on the Strength & Conditioning program are now on the YouTube blacksheepfitness channel and soon to be uploaded to the website. Any problems or questions, just ask! The program and exercises are designed to
Exercise for Children
I was asked if I would write an article for the North Devon 4 Mums website about exercise for children. I think that my children are my most treasured possessions (apart from my wife of course ) and I do
Black Sheep SnowFit
Starting in November, a SnowFit package to get you in shape for winter fun. Whatever your snowsport, this package will make sure you can make the most of your time on the slopes. Playing in the snow is hard work and
Get ViPR fit
"ViPR was created from a need to evolve training tools, foster purposeful motion and blend strength training with functional training and movement. Movement is fundamental. And what makes up effective movement is a blend of lifting, shifting and twisting." What
Black Sheep Fitness Studio
The race is on, Black sheep Fitness versus winter! Exciting times continue….. groundworks are well under way and things are looking good for having the studio ready by mid-late October. Just in time for getting fit for your ski trip and looking
Childhood Exercise = Stronger Bones in Adulthood
High impact physical activity during childhood and adolescence can lead to long-term improvements in bone mass, even after the cessation of exercise according to research published in a recent issue of Osteoporosis International. The report based on findings of researchers